Nurture your body & soul… the rest will follow…

About Me …

Hey there! I’m D’Arcy, digital creator and a dedicated yoga student and teacher. Most importantly, I am the architect of my own life, creating the life I envision. Through this platform, my aim is to inspire, encourage, and energize you to do the same!

Yes, I have multiple passions, as most of us do, and for a long time I didn’t know how I could blend my passions together to find my dream job, in fact I didn’t even think it was a possibility. In today’s 9-5 culture, we are taught to follow one pathway, that often feels rigid and subjugating. For the past eight years, I’ve been caught up in the hustle of my early twenties, juggling multiple jobs just to pay my rent and bills. Amidst the busyness, I also dedicated three years to university, finishing with a degree in an industry I soon realised didn’t fulfill me, leaving me with a hefty debt, and maybe even more confused about what I wanted in life. For many, this narrative is all too familiar.

My journey into wellness began many years ago, when my friend took me to my first in studio yoga class. Growing up as a dancer, I’ve always been a lover of movement and expressing myself in this way, from that first class I knew I found a new passion. In 2022 I began as a student of Jingster Yoga, a hot yoga studio on the Sunshine Coast. This studio is what really excelled my dedication to my yoga practice and within a year I had signed up to take my 200hr YTT with Sacred Journeys Yoga in Costa Rica. With Yoga as the anchor, my journey into wellness has fostered into a love for finding a deeper self awareness, through movement, breath-work, meditation and nutrition.

Determined to alter my path, I knew I no longer wanted to constantly run on the edge of burnout, seemingly always running uphill but never really getting anywhere… So I took a leap of faith and launched my online business and here we are! The universe aligned and has seemingly worked with me, rather than against me. Yet, it’s not as surprising as it seems, in-fact it’s a well-documented phenomenon that we have the power to shape the life we yearn for, to manifest our dreams. However, we often find ourselves stuck in a victim mentality when faced with challenges. This reaction is natural; it’s often our initial response to negativity. I’ve been guilty of this countless times. It was only when I recognised this pattern in myself and its ineffectiveness in improving my situation that I resolved to shifting my mindset. Since that day, I began to witness transformations in my surroundings and in my life.

With one step at a time, I continue learning as I go, and now I live in love and light as a digital creator and yoga teacher, soaking up the salty ocean and sun rays in Costa Rica, my dream. It’s truly amazing what you can create for yourself once you stop believing you need to follow the direction of what everyone else is doing and follow your own intuition. So what does your dream life look like?

D’Arcy Simone McCallum

Digital Creator & Yogi

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